ASCII/HTML/ISO 8859-1 Codes
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This is a quick reference guide for inserting special characters.

You can insert characters below in most documents by holding down the ALT key then pressing all four digits of the ASCII code on the Numeric Key Pad. (Keypad NumLock has to be activated).  i.e., to get © in any document, email or whatever, simply hold down ALT then type 0169.

Note:  It is a good idea to use the HTML escape codes for "special" characters on web (HTML) pages.

NOTE:  On occasion you may encounter the character:  ™  (Trademark, as in:  Windows™) , entered on the source page as:   & # 153;  (NO spaces between numbers and characters).  The correct  entry should be: & # 8482;  (NO spaces between numbers and characters) and will appear as: ™ .

The entry:  & # 153;  (NO spaces between numbers and characters) is a reserved character designation for HTML, but can be entered on the KeyPad as (ALT) 0153 in regular documents to obtain ™ .

If you find this chart easy to understand, you might want to check out the  HTML Safe Color Chart.
No guarantee is made as to the correctness of the sources from which these tables are derived.

ascii html chr ascii html chr ascii html chr ascii html chr ascii html chr
0034 " " 0081 Q Q 0127   0173 ­ ­ 0219 Û Û
0035 # # 0082 R R 0128 € 0174 ® ® 0220 Ü Ü
0036 $ $ 0083 S S 0129  0175 ¯ ¯ 0221 Ý Ý
0037 % % 0084 T T 0130 ‚ ' 0176 ° ° 0222 Þ Þ
0038 & & 0085 U U 0131 ƒ ƒ 0177 ± ± 0223 ß ß
0039 ' ' 0086 V V 0132 „ " 0178 ² ² 0224 à à
0040 ( ( 0087 W W 0133 … 0179 ³ ³ 0225 á á
0041 ) ) 0088 X X 0134 † 0180 ´ ´ 0226 â â
0042 * * 0089 Y Y 0135 ‡ 0181 µ µ 0227 ã ã
0043 + + 0090 Z Z 0136 ˆ ˆ 0182 ¶ 0228 ä ä
0044 , , 0091 [ [ 0137 ‰ 0183 · · 0229 å å
0045 - - 0092 \ \ 0138 Š Š 0184 ¸ ¸ 0230 æ æ
0046 . . 0093 ] ] 0139 ‹ 0185 ¹ ¹ 0231 ç ç
0047 / / 0094 ^ ^ 0140 Œ Œ 0186 º º 0232 è è
0048 0 0 0095 _ _ 0141  0187 » » 0233 é é
0049 1 1 0096 ` ` 0142 Ž Ž 0188 ¼ ¼ 0234 ê ê
0050 2 2 0097 a a 0143  0189 ½ ½ 0235 ë ë
0051 3 3 0098 b b 0144  0190 ¾ ¾ 0236 ì ì
0052 4 4 0099 c c 0145 ‘ ' 0191 ¿ ¿ 0237 í í
0053 5 5 0100 d d 0146 ’ ' 0192 À À 0238 î î
0054 6 6 0101 e e 0147 “ 0193 Á Á 0239 ï ï
0055 7 7 0102 f f 0148 ” 0194 Â Â 0240 ð ð
0056 8 8 0103 g g 0149 • 0195 Ã Ã 0241 ñ ñ
0057 9 9 0104 h h 0150 – 0196 Ä Ä 0242 ò ò
0058 : : 0105 i i 0151 — 0197 Å Å 0243 ó ó
0059 &#59; ; 0106 j j 0152 ˜ ˜ 0198 Æ Æ 0244 ô ô
0060 &#60; < 0107 &#107; k 0153 &#153; 0199 &#199; Ç 0245 &#245; õ
0061 &#61; = 0108 &#108; l 0154 &#154; š 0200 &#200; È 0246 &#246; ö
0062 &#62; > 0109 &#109; m 0155 &#155; 0201 &#201; É 0247 &#247; ÷
0063 &#63; ? 0110 &#110; n 0156 &#156; œ 0202 &#202; Ê 0248 &#248; ø
0064 &#64; @ 0111 &#111; o 0157 &#157; 0203 &#203; Ë 0249 &#249; ù
0065 &#65; A 0112 &#112; p 0158 &#158; ž 0204 &#204; Ì 0250 &#250; ú
0066 &#66; B 0113 &#113; q 0159 &#159; Ÿ 0205 &#205; Í 0251 &#251; û
0067 &#67; C 0114 &#114; r 0160 &#160;   0206 &#206; Î 0252 &#252; ü
0068 &#68; D 0115 &#115; s 0161 &#161; ¡ 0207 &#207; Ï 0253 &#253; ý
0069 &#69; E 0116 &#116; t 0162 &#162; ¢ 0208 &#208; Ð 0254 &#254; þ
0070 &#70; F 0117 &#117; u 0163 &#163; £ 0209 &#209; Ñ 0255 &#255; ÿ
0071 &#71; G 0118 &#118; v 0164 &#164; ¤ 0210 &#210; Ò
0072 &#72; H 0119 &#119; w 0165 &#165; ¥ 0211 &#211; Ó
0073 &#73; I 0120 &#120; x 0166 &#166; ¦ 0212 &#212; Ô
0074 &#74; J 0121 &#121; y 0167 &#167; § 0213 &#213; Õ
0075 &#75; K 0122 &#122; z 0168 &#168; ¨ 0214 &#214; Ö
0076 &#76; L 0123 &#123; { 0169 &#169; © 0215 &#215; ×
0077 &#77; M 0124 &#124; | 0170 &#170; ª 0216 &#216; Ø
0078 &#78; N 0125 &#125; } 0171 &#171; « 0217 &#217; Ù
0079 &#79; O 0126 &#126; ~ 0172 &#172; ¬ 0218 &#218; Ú
0080 &#80; P