Three quarters of the way through the last century, I purchased my first "computer", a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A keyboard style computer for $600.00, which used a television set as the monitor.
Texas Instruments TI-99-4a (click to enlarge)
If I remember correctly, about the only peripheral you could adapt at this time, to this particular system, was a tape drive for recording, and as it was a long time ago, I could stand to be corrected. As time went on, I gradually upgraded to better computer systems and along the way I experienced quite a few challenges as to maintaining and upgrading the systems. Practical computer experience is both good and bad .... good, if you succeed .... very unforgiving and costly, if you fail!
This project was brought about as a result of a need. Simply put, the need to help my two computer illiterate daughters to try to understand what is happening inside of a computer, using layman's terms, a whole lot of patience and saving quite a bit on long distance phone bills.
Brian K. Hahn, designer and proprietor of has been a great source of information, help and friendship over the years.
The Webmaster .... PCXT-Micro Systems